lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2015

summer vacations

Hello bloggers!!!, how are you??? today I'm going to talk about what I plan to do in my summer vacation. So first of all I wanna tell you when I have my vacations. We are suppose to go out of class always in December, but this years it was different, because we have a very big mobilization during this year. So my vacations start in February, not in December. We will have classes all the month of January... very sad, but it's my last year so I do not care much. Knowing that I was going out late University, I plan my vacations with time. So I bought the plane tickets a couple of month ago. My plan is travel to Arica, and then go on a trip with my boyfriend to the north. The last summer we went to Bolivia, so this year we want to come back, to visit all that last year we fail to do. Bolivia is a beautiful country and very cheap. So if we go back we know exactly where to go. Last year we went by bus, and was a bit awful, that is why this year will go by plane. After going to Bolivia, the idea is to go to Perú. We really want to go to Machupichu, before it closes forever. Machupichu is one of the most beautiful human wonder of planet, and being there should be a great adventure. That is why we want to go to Perú. That's is all for today, see you next week! have a nice week.

4 comentarios:

  1. i am also not happy for finish class in january =( , i hope you have a great time!

  2. Machupichu is beautiful but in febraury is a little danger for the highway!!!

  3. Machupicchu is beautiful! Be careful with the "Bolivian winter", it makes everything a little bit difficult but you'll enjoy it anyway haha
